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Home  /  Delivery & Returns

If you need help with delivery or returns when using the Uncovrd Marketplace you’re in the right place, this section should answer any queries you have. 


Your Delivery


Refunds & Returns


Your Delivery


How long will my delivery take?
The delivery time can vary based on the delivery method that the seller has provided or that you have chosen out of their options listed, as well as where the item is being delivered from or to, the seller will have specified the shipping options available on the item details section of the listing.

Deliveries within the United Kingdom will typically be quicker than international deliveries (where international delivery is available), depending on the shipping method, you have chosen. Some sellers use shipping services that will allow you to track the delivery, and we would advise this option where available. If you want more information on delivery time, please contact the seller directly using their contact form.
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What shipping methods are available?
The shipping methods depend on what the seller has decided to offer each of their specific items. If a shipping method you would like is not available and you would prefer a delivery option outside of the options listed, you should contact the seller directly and ask if they would be prepared to offer alternative shipping methods and add it to their listing. For international buyers, please communicate with the seller directly or view our international delivery section.
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I’m still waiting for my item to be delivered. What should I do?
If an item has not been received after a set period, you should firstly contact the seller directly to find out the reason why you have not received the item within the stated period. If you do not get a sufficient reply, then you can contact us via our contact us page, and we will do our very best to resolve your issue. If the issue can not be settled after our intervention, we would advise you to raise a dispute through PayPal.

Uncovrd is an e-commerce platform that connects independent brands with consumers. Please note that we are not involved in any part of the payment, delivery, or returns process and do not hold any responsibility for consumer queries of that nature. In the event that there is something wrong with your order, we would advise you to get in touch with the Brand/Seller through their vendor dashboard.

We would like to assure you that Uncovrd Marketplace selects our Brands through an invitation-only program where our sellers undergo a rigorous vetting process. We believe that by instilling this process, the consumer/seller experience is enhanced and risk is minimised, reinforcing a smooth user experience. Uncovrd Marketplace will always try our very best to offer help with escalated inquiries where we see appropriate.

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I’m an international buyer, do I have to pay excess charges?
If you are an international buyer (outside the UK), you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches your country. It would be best if you covered any additional charges for customs clearance, we as a company and the seller has no control over or holds any responsibilities for these charges. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. You should contact your local customs office for further information before purchasing for international delivery.
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Refunds & Returns 


How do I return an item?
Customers are entitled to return their order within 14 days of receiving it, provided the item is unworn, and the original packaging is received back in the same condition as it was sent and not damaged. Or you have 28 days if the item received is either incorrect or faulty.

If you receive an item and wish to return it for any reason you must inform the Seller directly via email or contact form within the specific timeframe;

  • Within 14 days of receiving the item.
  • Within 28 days if the item becomes faulty.

The Seller will then provide you instructions on how to return your item safely, and once the seller receives your item, they will process your refund through PayPal or via the payment method used. We would advise you to use a delivery option with tracking for added insurance on the return of your item.

Return postage is your responsibility unless the item is incorrect or faulty, in which case the Seller will refund the return postage. If you cancel your contract under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations Act of 2013, any standard shipping charges that you have paid to receive your purchase will be included as part of your refund.

Uncovrd Marketplace is not involved in any part of the delivery or return process and will not hold any responsibility for any issues with these two queries. Still, we will try our very best to offer help with shipping, delivery or return enquiries where we see fit.
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I want a refund, what do I do?
As a customer and under the Consumer Contracts Regulations Act of 2013 you are entitled to a full refund within 14 days of receiving an order, provided the item is unworn and immediate packaging is received back in the same condition as it was sent.

You must contact the seller directly via email or contact form, and once confirmation of the return request has been received and the seller has sent instructions for the return, please proceed with returning the item. We would advise you to use a delivery option with tracking for added insurance on the return of your item.

Items must be sent back to the seller you purchased the item from within 14 days of having your refund request approved by the seller. Once the seller receives the item back, they will issue the refund to the PayPal account which was used to pay or via the payment method used.

Uncovrd Marketplace is not involved in any part of the payment, delivery or returns process and will not hold any responsibility for issues with these queries. Still, we will always try our very best to offer help with these enquiries where we see fit.
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I want an exchange, what do I do?
Unfortunately, we do not offer exchanges at this moment in time. If you would like to exchange an item, please request a refund by directly contacting the seller, once the refund has been processed proceed to order the item you would have preferred instead.
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The seller is refusing my refund, what are my options? 
If a seller does not accept a refund or exchange that you feel you are entitled to, you should raise a dispute with PayPal directly. Uncovrd Marketplace is not involved in any part of the payment, delivery or returns process and will not hold any responsibility for issues with these queries. Still, we will always try our very best to offer help with these enquiries where we see fit.
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Our Responsibility

Uncovrd is an e-commerce platform that connects independent brands with consumers. Please note that we are not involved in any part of the payment, delivery, or returns process and do not hold any responsibility for consumer queries of that nature. In the event that there is something wrong with your order, we would advise you to get in touch with the Brand/Seller through their vendor dashboard.

We would like to assure you that Uncovrd Marketplace selects our Brands through an invitation-only program where our sellers undergo a rigorous vetting process. We believe that by instilling this process, the consumer/seller experience is enhanced and risk is minimised, reinforcing a smooth user experience. Uncovrd Marketplace will always try our very best to offer help with escalated inquiries where we see appropriate.