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Home  /  International Delivery

If you need help with international orders (outside the UK) or when using Uncovrd Online you’re in the right place, this section should answer any questions you have.


International Delivery


International Delivery


I am an international buyer (outside the UK). Can I order from your platform?
The shipping methods depend on what the seller has decided to offer each of their specific items. If a shipping method you would like is not available and you would prefer a delivery option outside of the options listed, you should contact the seller directly and ask if they would be prepared to offer alternative shipping methods and add it to their listing. For international buyers, please communicate with the seller directly or view our international delivery section.
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How long will my International delivery take?
The delivery time can vary based on the delivery method that the seller has provided or that you have chosen out of their options listed, as well as where the item is being delivered from or to. The seller will have specified the shipping options available on the item details section of the listing.

Deliveries within the United Kingdom will typically be quicker than international deliveries (where international delivery is available), depending on the shipping method you have chosen. Some sellers use shipping services that will allow you to track the delivery, and we would advise this option where available. If you want more information on delivery time, please contact the seller directly using their contact form.
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I’m an international buyer, do I have to pay excess charges?
If you are an international buyer (outside the UK), you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once the package reaches your country. You must cover any additional charges for customs clearance, we as a company and the seller has no control over or holds any responsibilities for these charges. Customs policies vary widely from country to country. You should contact your local customs office for further information before purchasing for international delivery.
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Our Responsibility
Uncovrd Online are not involved in any part of the payment, delivery, or returns process and will not hold any responsibility for issues with these queries. Still, we will always try our very best to offer help with theses enquiries where we see fit.

Uncovrd Online is an invitation-only platform, and please rest assured that we have a rigorous vetting process which should reduce the risk of such issue and maintain our integrity as a fashion company.